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Potions |
Here are new potions and exilers that you can use in quests. You may only buy them in between quests. |
P o t i o n s |
Elixer of life Roll
a red dice. 1-5: 4 body points are restored to the hero who
uses it. 6: All body points are restored to the hero who
used it and also 2 body points may be added to a hero in the same room. Cost: 380 |
Pick me up This green vile will revive a downed hero once. The hero comes back to life with 2 points. Cost: 400 |
Potion of rage This
dark orange liquid will put the hero who uses it into a "trance".
The hero may make two attacks until he can no longer "see" a monster. Cost: 500 |
Potion of flight This small bottle of watery liquid allows the hero who uses it to dodge (jump) over pit traps and spear traps for one turn. Cost: 150 |
Potion of fire This
burning liquid allows the user to do direct damage for 2 turns to a
monster. In direct damage, each skull that the hero rolls may not
be blocked by a creature. After two turns, the potion wears off. Cost: 350 |
Mana Flare This pure, frosty liquid may be used to bring one spell that has been used, back to be used again. Cost: 350 |