M E N U |
Character Info
New Characters
How to make new Characters
How to make new boards
Potions |
are some tips on how to make new characters. By new characters, I
don't mean making new stats, though you can see how to in the New
Characters section. In this section, you can find out how to
physically make the new characters using extra pieces or new pieces. |
M a k i n g n e w C h a r a c t e r s |
The Spear Thrower
of all, take an extra wizard character. You can get them from
extra games, or use your own. Cut off his arm that is facing
upright, and melt the stump of it. Then graft it upside down so it
looks like it's just facing downwards. Then, take an extra
goblin, cut off his sword, and melt it onto the top of the wizard's
staff. Then he looks like a spear thrower in a different position. |
The Undead Knight
an extra Gargoyle. Cut off his arms, and also cut off the head
and whip. Melt the whip arm so it is facing down, and melt the
sword-wielding hand upright so the sword is above his head. Then,
take off the wings. Get an extra Skeleton and cut the head off,
don't just use an extra skull because it looks dumb. Take the Skeleton's
head, and melt it ABOVE where the Gargoyle's head was. This way,
it actually looks like it has a neck. You can use this guy as a
hero, or a villian. |
Spearing Skeleton
a skeleton. Cut off the blade on his weapon, and replace it with a
goblin straight sword. Or, you can cut out the entire weapon, and
make a new spear for him using plastic pegs.
More Guys to Come Soon! |