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chaos warrior



Character Info

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Here are some stats and/or information on some new characters that you can use.  Most, if not all, were made by myself and friends.

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N e w  C h a r a c t e r s

chaos warrior

The Spear Thrower
You are the spear thrower.  You rely on your mind as well as your physical strengh in accuracy in throwing your spears. 

Attack: 3  Defend: 2  Body: 5  Mind: 5
Starting weapon: Wooden Spear
The spear can be thrown straight or diagonally in any direction.


Undead Warrior
You are an undead warrior, risen from the grave to fight against those who previously controlled you.  You are strong in attack and defend, yet your mind is still weak.

Attack: 3  Defend: 6  Body: 6  Mind: 4
Starting weapon: Longsword

Sword Fighter
You are an advanced sword fighter.  You have trained many years in the ways of swords, and you are very strong in physical as well as defense.

Attack: 4  Defend: 4  Body: 7  Mind: 3
Starting weapon: Longsword

You are a holy priest, advanced in the ways of spells and holy magic.  You are strong in the mind, and normal in physical strengh.  Even though, your body is still weak.

Attack: 2  Defend: 3  Body: 5  Mind: 5
Starting weapon: Holy Staff
May use 6 spells from elementals.

You are a thief, trained by the members of your family on how to steal, and how to be stealth.  You are weak, however, you are very clever and an easy navigator.

Attack: 2  Defend: 4  Body: 4 Mind: 6
Starting weapon: Shortsword
When searching for treasure, may take 2 treasure cards and keep the one desired.


Goblin Archer

The Goblin can shoot like a normal hero would, using a crossbow.

Movement: 10  Attack: 2  Defend: 2  Body: 1  Mind: 1

Orc Swordsmen

Almost like a normal orc, only smarter and more agile.  He uses a longsword, and can attack like a normal hero would.

Movement: 9  Attack: 3  Defend: 2  Body: 3  Mind: 2

Pirate Skeleton

A skeleton who was captured at sea and died in the Dungeons.  He is tougher, and better with weapons.  Uses a longsword instead of a Shearer.

Movement: 6  Attack: 3  Defend: 2  Body: 3  Mind: -1 (Even dumber than a normal one, however :)


A man who was turned into half scorpion by an unknown evil wizard.  He used two daggers, and attacks with his tail.

Movement: 12  Attack: 3  Defend: 4  Body: 4  Mind: 3
When he attacks a hero, the hero must roll a red dice, if a 5 or higher is rolled, then the hero is poisoned, and one point of life is taken away each turn unless a poiton of healing or spell that heals is cast upon the hero.


A close decendant of the Barbarian, the Viking is much more aggressive.  The viking's use battle axes to prove it.

Movement: 7  Attack: 4  Defend: 3  Body: 4  Mind: 2

Fire Elemental

Made from fire and brimstone, this elemental will use it's flames to burn any hero it comes into contact with.

Movement: 6  Attack: 3  Defend: 5  Body: 5 Mind: 2

Ruby Dragon

This dragon was woken up from it's sleep by Zargon before he died, and now roams the lands, destroying everything in it's path.

Movement: 16  Attack: 4  Defend: 5  Body: 6 Mind: 4


Big, strong, and ugly.  These guys are tough, and throw around clubs made of tree trunks.

Movement: 8  Attack: 4  Defend: 3  Body: 2 Mind: 1


This ghost was once a respected knight, but now wanders the halls of the Dungeon, looking for victims to drain the life from.

Movement: 10  Attack: 2  Defend: 2  Body: 2 Mind: 1
May move through walls

Undead Knight (smaller)

A knight brought back from the dead, to claim the lives of the people who fought for him.

Movement: 10  Attack: 2  Defend: 3  Body: 2 Mind: 1

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