
Character Generation

These rule variants on the basic HeroQuest (HQ) game were designed to remove the need of a wizard player to control the monsters and design the dungeon. The rules are also aimed to enable fast set-up and play. This developed using some components from Advanced HeroQuest (AHQ) and a few additional models but these are not essential. In particualr they uses the AHQ floor boards. Alternatively you can download floor board gifs from /binaries/floors/


  1. Take up to eight of the floor plans and arrange them into connecting rooms by placing doors. Keep one of the large floor plans for the quest room.
  2. Select a special treasure from the Treasure cards (“Treasure Hoard” or “Nothing” tends to work well). Shuffle the rest of the cards and take 7 random cards. Slip the card partly the under the floor plan of the first (likely) three rooms that will be explored (cards reverse side up). Add the special treasure card to the remaining selected treasure cards and shuffle. Allocated one card per room as described above.
  3. Put a piece of furniture next to each treasure card in each room. You can also add further pieces of furniture to make the board look more interesting.


  1. Roll move of first hero.
  2. On entering a new room halt movement, roll on Room table and set up monsters as required. Monsters are place on the wall opposite to the entrance door.
  3. Hero completes move. If there are no monsters in the room, a hero can search. To do so he needs to be adjacent to the associated piece of furniture. If there are live monsters, they attack. Monsters tend to attack the weakest or closest target. Death zone rules movement rules apply as in AHQ.
  4. When all heroes and monsters have moved, roll on Turn table. If a Monster is rolled, it will appear next to a randomly selected character. If a Trap is rolled out of combat, apply trap to a randomly selected character. Dwarves are immune to traps (both rolled and on Treasure Card) . Other character defend from a trap as normal. If in combat, ignore the trap results in an additional random Monster (from the Random Monster Table). The random monster is placed as normal.
The Tables
On the right are two sets of table. The first uses only figures from the original HeroQuest box. The latter is an extended table using additional figures I've puchased (mostly from AHQ). Amend these table according to the figures available.

The Room table determines what creatures are contained in a room. It is rooled once for each room the moment a charcter enters. The rolled monsters are placed next to the wall opposite to the door the character entered. Once the monsters have been palced, the charter can finish his move as normal.

The Turn table is consulted at the end of each turn when all characters and monsters have moved. If the result is 1 or 6 determine randomly which character gets attacked by the random monster or triggers the trap. If the party is in combat, trap results are treated as random monster events.

The Random table is for random encounters. One monster of the type rolled from the table is put into play adjacent to one character and attacks immediately.


Basic HeroQuest Tables

Random              Turn              Room
-------------       --------------    ----------------
1   Skeleton        1 Rnd Monster     2-4   Humanoid
2   Skeleton        2 -               5,6   Humanoid
3   Zombie          3 -               7     Nothing
4   Goblin          4 -               8,9   Undead
5   Goblin          5 -               10-12 Undead 
6   Orc             6 Trap            [Doubles = +Boss]

Undead              Humanoid          Boss Monsters
-----------------   ----------------  -----------------
1   Skeleton        1   Goblin        1  Chaos Champion
2   Zombie          2   Orc           2  Gargoyle
3   Skeleton (2)    3   Goblin (2)    3  Water Wizard  
4   Zombie (2)      4   Orc (2)       4  Fire Wizard
5   Skel (2)+Zom    5   Fimir         5  Earth Wizard
6   Mummy           6   Chaos Warrior 6  Air Wizard

Extended HeroQuest Tables

Random              Turn              Room
-------------       --------------    ----------------
1   Skeleton        1 Rnd Monster     2-4   Human
2   Zombie          2 -               5,6   Humanoid
3   Goblin          3 -               7     Nothing
4   Skaven          4 -               8,9   Undead
5   Merc            5 -               10-12 Beastmen 
6   Orc             6 Trap            [Doubles = +Boss]

Undead              Humanoid
-----------------   -----------------
1   Skeleton        1   Goblin
2   Zombie          2   Orc
3   Skeleton (2)    3   Goblin (2)
4   Zombie (2)      4   Orc (2)
5   Skel (2)+Zom    5   Fimir
6   Mummy           6   Fimir + Orc

Beastmen            Humans              Boss Monsters
-----------------   -----------------   -----------------
1   Skaven          1   Mercenary       1   Orc Warlord
2   Lizardmen       2   Veteran         2   Chaos Champion
3   Skaven (2)      3   Mercenary (2)   3   Evil Wizard
4   Lizardmen (2)   4   Veteran         4   Evil Elf Queen
5   Chaos Beastman  5   Chaos Warrior   5   Gargoyle
6   Skav (2)+Beast  6   Merc (2)+Cwarr  6   Ogre

Common Monster Stats
Name Attack DefenceMind MoveValue
Skeletons 22064
Zombies 23044
Mummies 34046
Goblins 211104
Orcs 3228 5
Fimirs 3336 6
Skaven 121104
Lizardmen 2328 5
Chaos Beastmen4228 6
Mercenaries 22364
Veterans 23365
Chaos Warriors34366

Boss Monster Stats
Name Attack DefenceMind MoveSpecial
Orc Warlord 45310none
Chaos Champion 4446Monster uses a crossbow
Gargoyle 44461d4 Body
Ogre 55161d4 Body
Evil Wizard 25781 school of magic (ie Fire for Fire Mage)
Evil Elf Queen 3578Bow (as crossbow) with poisoned arrows. If wounded treat as Sleep Spell