
Character Generation

About HeroQuest
HeroQuest is a fantasy boardgame designed by Steve Baker for Milton Bradley in association with Games Workshop. The game's main strengths were its simple yet elegant rules and the set of high quality miniatures that came with it. It also scored well in the way it captured the high fantasy feel, mostly by giving overly melodramatic names to the villains and locations of the quests. Who can forget Barak Tor - the Barrow of the Witchlord?

Heroquest's life in the shops was comparatively short. I believe it was released in 1989 or there about and by 1993-94 it was already out of print. But in those few years it was a sufficient hit to justify seven expansion packs, a computer game, a series of game books and (I think)a set of collectible cards/stickers. HeroQuest can also be considered the "grandfather" of a host of other equally successful games, from Space Crusade (also by Steve Baker) to Advanced HeroQuest and the more recent WarhammerQuest.

For more information about HeroQuest, including FAQ and more rule variants check out the HeroQuest entry on the Miniatures Page site.

Send comments and suggestions to James

Point Based Hero Creation

A friend of mine came up with these rules. The allow players to create characters other than the usual Barbarians, Dwarves, Elves or Wizards and still being totally compatible with the original.

All attributes cost 1pt each - Minimum 1 Maximum Attack 3 Defend 3 Body 8.
'Trained in Arms' cost 3 pts - Allows use of all weapons and armour.
'Perfect Trap Disarming' cost 2pts - this is the basic dwarven ability.
Access to a school of magic cost 3pts per school.
Heroes have 16 pts to spend.
Mind is calculated as 10 - Body.

The Elf costs (Attack 2 + Defend 2 + Body 6 + Trained in arms + 1 School of magic) = 16 pts
The Barbarian costs (Attack 3 + Defend 2 + Body 8 + Trained in arms ) = 16 pts
The Dwarf PV costs (Attack 2 + Defend 2 + Body 7 + Trained in arms + Trap Disarm ) = 16 pts
The Wizard PV costs (Attack 1 + Defend 2 + Body 4 + 3 Schools of magic) = 16 pts

Additional Abilities and FlawsCost
Innate Gift Once per adventure a gift endows the hero with the effects of a specific spell. For example a Beserker ability could be based on the Courage spell. 1 pt
Starting Equipment The Hero starts off with equipment valued at 100 gold coins. 1 pt
Special Enemy The hero gets an extra attack die against a specific type of monster (for example Orcs). 1 pt
Fleet footed Add 2 squares of movement to all movement rolls. 1 pt
Cursed The hero rolls monster dice in defence. -3 pts
Hunted The hero is pursued by an implacable enemy. Substitute the weakest monster in the Random Monster Table with the Hunter. The Hunter will always attack this hero. The Hunter is by default a Chaos Warrior, though his abilities may be altered using this point based system. -2 pts
Phobia The hero loses 1 die attack and defence when facing a specific type of monster (i.e. Skeleton). -1 pt
Greedy The hero must head straight to the chest, always search for the treasure first. -1 pt
Club-footed The hero moves 2 squares less than his move roll. One a roll of ‘2’ he not be able to move at all. -1 pt
Fearless The Hero never retreats. He may never leave a room unitl all the monsters are dead. -1 pt
Coward The hero will never trigger a room. -1 pt
Pious The give away half his earnings to charities after each quest. -2 pts
Code of Honour The hero will never use more attack dice than those available to the monster he is attacking. -2 pts
Henchman The hero begins each quest with a henchman (a monsters equivalent to an orc or zombie) 2 pts

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