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Potion of Abandoning

causes any 1 Swordsman of another player to defect to you

Potion of Abandonment

In a group of 9 or more adjacent Orcs causes any 1 to move as many squares as his/her movement will allow away from the rest

Potion of Abatement

reduces any 1 Gargoyle’s mind by 1

Potion of Abortion

noone that quest may reproduce

Potion of Abra Cadabra

automatically kills any 1 Goblin or Gargoyle

Potion of Abdication

allows any 1 henchman to take over as leader with any equipment, potions or food acquired by your character who will now become a henchman

Potion of Abseiling

allows you to descend any 1 sheer surface

Potion of Absinth

increases your Body by 3

Potion of Absorption Costing

allows you to purchase any 1 piece of equipment for 2 Gold Coins less than the original price for every equipment card that is left in the equipment card deck including the one you are purchasing

Potion of Abomination

allows you to lay an Abomination Trap on any unoccupied square

Potion of Acceleration

allows you to roll 5 movement dice for 1 turn

Potion of Accessibility

creates a trapdoor into any 1 inaccessible room from a corridor placed by you

Potion of Accumulation

increases your Gold by 2% the next time you attack

Potion of Aclimatization

allows you to adjust to a change in climate (e.g. Blinding Sleet) such that you will not feel any negative effects

Potion of Acne

reduces any 1 Fimir’s Evil Attack by 1

Potion of Acridity

allows you to attack with 3 times normal for 1 turn

Potion of Acrobatics

allows you to leap via a piece of furniture (counting as 1 square) past any 1 monster

Potion of Acumen

restores up to 5 lost Mind Points

Potion of Acupuncture

restores up to 7 lost Body Points

Potion of Adajio

as Tempest

Potion of Adamantium

changes any one attack or defence enhancing piece of equipment to adamantium, increasing the number of dice with which it allows you to attack by one

Potion of Adaptability

allows a character other than the Wizard to use the Cloak Of Protection

Potion of Adhesion

sticks any 1 monster to the floor, meaning that he/she will no longer be able to move

Potion of Adjacency

allows any 1 Crossbowman to be able to attack monsters on adjacent squares           permanently

Potion of Administration

allows any 1 henchman to use any 1 of your potions

Potion of Aggression

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 4 on a movement die in a single attempt

Potion of Agility

allows you to move diagonally from now on

Potion of Agriculture

allows you to cultivate any 1 room, in 5 movement turns (other than in the same room) time it will be fertile and you will be able to return to it to eat restoring up to 4 lost Body Points, however, it may also be used by monsters

Potion of Aid

allows you to hire 1 Knight for free at any time

Potion of Air

allows you to lay an Air Trap on any unoccupied square

Potion of Alteration

automatically changes any 1 Chaos        Warrior into a Mummy

Potion of Altogetherness

sticks any 2 adjacent monsters together permanently: they must remain in their current formation, and may move as far as the one of them that can move the least

Potion of Altruism

allows you to lay an Altruism Trap on any unoccupied square

Potion of Amendment

restores 1 lost Body Point

Potion of Amenity

creates a mosaic on the floor of any 1 4*4 room

Potion of Ammunition

you will have a permanent, unlimited supply of Bolts and Tubs of Napalm

Potion of Amputation

use on any 1 C Grade monster; they must          roll 1 movement die, a roll of the following will amputate the following with the effect shown:

1  nothing - no effect

2  left arm - 1/2 both attack and defence

3  right arm - 1/2 both attack and defence

4  left leg - 1/2 attack, defence and movement

5  right leg - 1/2 attack, defence and movement

6  head - death

Potion of Annexation

allows you to take control of any 1 other player’s henchmen

Potion of Animation

causes the body in any tomb to come to life and to attack any adjacent figure(s) with three combat dice

Potion of Annihilation

allows you to lay an Annihilus Trap on any unoccupied square

Potion of Anthrax


infects any 1 C Grade monster with Anthrax reducing his/her Attack, Defence and Body to 1 for the next 3 turns after which he/she dies

Potion of Antidote

you will not be affected by the next Body Point you lose from Poison

Potion of Apathy

use on any 1 A Grade monster: no effect

Potion of Aplomb

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die for 5 consecutive turns

Potion of Apparition

allows you to lay an Apparition Trap on any unoccupied square

Potion of Aracnaphobia

causes any 1 monster in the same room as a spider to become terrified and have to move out on his next turn or he will lose 1 Mind Point

Potion of Arrogance

allows you to barge past any 1 Goblin who is blocking your path

Potion of Arsenal

allows you to attack any 1 Ogre 3 times in a single turn

Potion of Asphyxiation

automatically kills any 1 Genestealser

Potion of Assailment

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 1 on a movement die in a single attempt

Potion of Assassination

automatically kills any monster with less than 2 in defence

Potion of Assault

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 2 on a movement die in a single attempt            

Potion of Astuteness

restores 1 lost Mind Point

Potion of Atheism

you will be immune from losing Soul Points, but may no longer make Prayers

Potion of Athleticism

restores up to 3 lost Body Points (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Audacity

allows you to roll 1 extra in attack for 2 consecutive turns

Potion of Augmentation

increases any 1 henchman’s body by 2

Potion of Authorization

allows the Wizard to use any piece from which he was previously prohibited (not including Knights’ equipment)

Potion of Awesomeness

allows you to cast a spell and attack with 7 combat dice in the same turn

Potion of Backdraught

allows you to lay a Backdraught Trap on any unoccupied square

Potion of Barbarism

allows you to attack with 8 permanently (may only be used by Barbarian)

Potion of Barbarity

changes you into the Barbarian for three consecutive turns (retain any equipment or potions but Barbarian is not able to use spells which will be returned to player once character has reverted back to original form)

Potion of Baroque

automatically kills any 1 Ogre Lord with fewer than 4 Body Points

Potion of Bartering Ability

allows you to purchase any piece of equipment at a 5% discount

Potion of Battery

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll a 2 on a movement die in a single attempt         

Potion of Beheading

automatically kills any 1 Lizardman

Potion of Beguilement

automatically kills any 1 C Grade monster

Potion of Belittlement

reduces the attack and defence of any 1 Gargoyle by 2 each

Potion of Benzine

allows you to remove any 1 adjacent Grease Trap

Potion of Bereavement


causes any monster to break down and cry when he/she sees another monster killed; he/she will be unable to move or attack for 1 turn

Potion of Bewitchment

changes any piece of equipment into iron worth 10 gold coins

Potion of Blackness

increases your Body by 3 if you can pot the black off the spot from the D

Potion of Binding

see Strands of Binding

Potion of Blinding

causes any monster to go blind in one eye only affecting monsters with a single eye         who will no longer be able to move attack or defend

Potion of Blindness

blinds any 1 monster, meaning that from now on he/she must move and attack as if in a Room of Darkness

Potion of Bloodsugarsexmagik

roll 1 movement die:

1 - lose 1 pint of blood: you will attack and defend with 1 fewer combat dice for the next 3 turns

2 - some sugar restores 1 lost Body Point

3 - you may have sex with any 1 adjacent character/henchman/knight/ monster restoring 1 lost Mind Point

4-6 - select a spell set not owned by another character (including those already used) and choose 1 spell at random to keep

Potion of Bloodthirstiness

automatically kills any 1 Fimir

Potion of Blueness

increases your Body by 1 if you can pot the blue off the spot from the D

Potion of Boldness

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat die if you can roll 5 skulls on 5 combat dice in a single attempt        

Potion of Bolstering

increases your Body, Mind, Soul, Jape, Attack and Defence by 1 each and reduces your Evil by 1

Potion of Bombardment

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die for 5 consecutive turns

Potion of Bondage

allows you to control any 1 C Grade monster for 5 consecutive turns

Potion of Boredom

causes any monster to wander off in the opposite direction as far as he is able to move           

Potion of Brainlessness

reduces any monster’s mind by 1

Potion of Brawn

restores 1 lost Body Point (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Bribery

allows you to pay a monster to go away (removed from board) you must pay a Goblin or Skeleton 10 Gold Coins, an Orc or Zombie 20 Gold Coins, a Fimir 30 Gold Coins, a Mummy or Chaos Warrior 40 Gold Coins, a Gargoyle 50 Gold Coins or an Ogre 100 Gold Coins

Potion of Browness

rewards you with a Potion of Transmutation if you can pot the brown off the spot from the D

Potion of Brutality

automatically kills any 1 Gargoyle

Potion of Burton

allows you to play The Bass Guitar (may also be used by Henchman and Knights)

Potion of Butchery

automatically kills any monster with 1 or fewer dice in attack

Potion of Calmness

you will be immune to the          next Whirlwind Trap to hit you

Potion of Cannabilistic Autocracy

allows you to eat any 1 adjacent Owbear (on the turn following his/her death), resoring any lost Body Points

Potion of Carnage

removes 1 Body Point from every monster in your line of sight

Potion of Carriage

allows you to carry a candle from any 1 adjacent Sorceror’s Table with you, enlightening any Rooms of Darkness that you enter, meaning that everyone in that room at the same time as you, may move normally

Potion of Casualty

automatically kills any 1 Ogre Champion

Potion of Cessation

automatically deactivates any 1 Dreadnought

Potion of Change

allows you to change any 1 Orc into a Zombie

Potion of Chaos

use on any Chaos Warrior, he must roll 1 movement die and will now have as many mind points as rolled     

Potion of Chastity

you will permanently be immune to the effects of Herpes (may also be used by Henchmen)

Potion of Chemistry

changes any piece of equipment into bronze worth 33 Gold Coins

Potion of Chicanery

allows you to confuse any 1 monster with ,3 Mind Points meaning that they will be unable to attack for 3 turns

Potion of Clairvoyantness

reveals the contents of any 1 square on the board, of your choice

Potion of Cleanliness

reduces your Evil by 1

Potion of Climbing Ability

allows you to scale any 1 cliff face

Potion of Closure

allows you to close any 1 open door

Potion of Coagulation

automatically coagulates any 1 potion held by either the Evil Wizard or another player making it unusable

Potion of Cogency

increases the attack of any 1 monster that you now control by 1

Potion of Coherence

forces any 2 monsters on adjacent squares to stay on adjacent squares until one dies

Potion of Combat

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 5 on a movement die in a single attempt            

Potion of Comedy

allows all monsters in the same room/corridor to be killed with half normal Jape Points

Potion of Compensation

increases your soul by 1 for the next 5 Body Points that you lose

Potion of Competence

increases any 1 henchman’s defence by 1 permanently

Potion of Completion

allows you to automatically complete the Quest

Potion of Conflagration

allows you to create a Wall Of Flame on any 2 unoccupied squares which is able to move, on each move it will have to roll a movement die, a 1 will move it North, a 2: East, a 3: South and a 4, West, it will not move on a roll of 5 or 6 or if obstructed by a wall, it lasts for 4 turns and destroys all in it’s path

Potion of Conflict

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 6 on a movement die in a single attempt

Potion of Congruence

automatically changes 2 adjacent B or C Grade monsters into the same monster (either of the 2 present)

Potion of Consistency

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die for your next 3 turns

Potion of Consternation

the next monster to be attacked will roll 1 fewer defence die (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Convalesence

increases your Body by 4

Potion of Coordinates

allows you to attack up to 4 spaces away for 1 turn

Potion of Cordon Bleau

the next Potion of Healing you drink will restore up to 6 lost Body Points

Potion of Corniness

increases your Jape by 1, if you can tell a joke that makes the Evil Wizard player smirk

Potion of Cornucopia

if you have less than 30 Gold Coins, you may multiply this amount by the number rolled on 1 movement die

Potion of Correlation

allows you to avoid the effects of the next 2 spells cast on you

Potion of Counteraction

you will only lose 35 Body Points from the next Iron Maiden Trap to hit you

Potion of Crappiness

allows you to releive yourself

Potion of Creativenessacalousion

scares allmonsters in your line of sight such that all lose 1 Body Point

Potion of Creativity

allows you to create a new character (a hero who is not in use) who will begin the Quest as you did, and whom you may control

Potion of Cross-examination

rewards you with 1 erxtra in defence if you can answer  a question

Potion of Cruelty

automatically kills any 1 Orc

Potion of Cunnilingus

allows you to give any 1 female henchman a cunnilingus, increasing her mind by 1

Potion of Cyclical Variation

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die than normal followed by 1 less on consecutive attacks for 8 attacks

Potion of Cycling Ability

allows you to move 1 extra square than rolled if you are cycling, but 1 less if you are not permanently

Potion of Dampness

halves the movement of every C Grade monster on the board

Potion of Daring

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll a 3 on a movement die in a single attempt         

Potion of Darkness

if you have used all of your Spells of Darkness you may have them returned

Potion of Dauntlessness

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll a 4 on a movement die in a single attempt         

Potion of Deactivation

automatically deactivates any 1 Android

Potion of Death

automatically kills any 1 High Mage

Potion of Decentralization

you will be immune from losing or gaining any more Evil Points

Potion of Defensiveness

allows you to increase your defence by 3 permanently, but also decreases your attack by 1 permanently

Potion of Defensive Operations

allows you to defend with 6 combat dice on you next defence

Potion of Delegation

allows you to give any 1 spell to any 1 henchman which he may use

Potion of Demise

automatically kills any 1 Skaven

Potion of Depression

allows you to upset any 1 C Grade monster such that he/she will go away (remove from board) if you also use a Potion of Meanness

Potion of Derangement

automatically removes all Mind Points from any 1 green monster

Potion of Derring-do

allows you to attack and defend 3 times in 1 turn for 1 turn

Potion of Desecration

automatically removes any 1 Grave or Tomb

Potion of Desideratum

rewards you with 1 extra in Attack if you can answer  a question

Potion of Destruction

automatically kills any I BB Grade monster

Potion of Detection

if you have used all of your Spells of Detection you may have them returned

Potion of Diffusion

allows you to move through doors without opening them

Potion of Diminishment

causes any Goblin to move 1 square less           for one turn

Potion of Direction

allows you to move any 1 C Grade monster for 1 turn

Potion of Disarmament

allows you to automatically any disarm traps you see permanently (may only be used by Dwarf)

Potion of Discernment

restores up to 2 lost Mind Points

Potion of Disheartenment

causes any 1 monster to miss his/her next attack

Potion of Disintegrating

halves the attack of any 1 monster for 1 turn

Potion of Disintegration

causes some of the arrows of any 1 crossbow wielding monster to disintegrate meaning that he/she will have only 10 left

Potion of Dispatchment

automatically kills any 1 Zombie

Potion of Dispelling

allows you to remove 1 spell of your choice from any 1 Wizard or Chaos Sorcerer

Potion of Dissension

In a group of 9 or more adjacent Skeletons causes any 1 to attack any 1 adjacent Skeleton

Potion of Diversity

automatically changes any 1 Fimir into another C Grade monster (pick a card)

Potion of Diving Ability

allows you to dive into any 1 water-bottomed Chasm

Potion of Divinity

gives you infinite Soul Points for 1 turn

Potion of Dogmatism

you can move any B Grade monster for 1 turn

Potion of Domination

allows you to control all of any 1 other players’ (not Morcar’s) pieces for one turn

Potion of Drowsiness

as Sleep except that the afflicted must roll an even number

Potion of Dunderheadedness

on 1 turn any 1 monster will move as far away from you as his/her movement will allow

Potion of Ebullition

increases you Body by 2 (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Ecclesiasticness

if you have a prayer, you may use it twice

Potion of Economy

you will be immune to the next Economies Of Scale Trap to hit you

Potion of Edibility

allows you to transform any 1 piece of equipment into food restoring up to 4 lost Body Points

Potion of Education

restores 1 lost Mind Point

Potion of Effervescence

increases you Body by 1 (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Efficaciousness

automatically kills any 1 B or C Grade monster with any attack (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Eldorado

allows you to pick 100 Treasure cards instead of 1 for 1 turn

Potion of Elimination

automatically kills any 1 Wizard

Potion of Eloquence

allows you to talk any monster out of attacking you for 1 turn

Potion of Elusiveness

causes any Wandering Monster to be unable to find you

Potion of Emancipation

you will not be affected by the next spell or trap causing you to miss a turn

Potion of Embodiment

increases your soul by 1 for 1 turn

Potion of Employ

you will be immune to the next Unemployment Trap to hit you

Potion of Employing Ability

allows you to hire any 1 employee at any time

Potion of Employment

allows you to hire any 1 henchman at any time

Potion of Emptiness

removes all spells from any one monster

Potion of Endurance

allows you to attack, move and attack again within 1 turn

Potion of Energeticness

increases you Body by 4 (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Energizing

restores up to 6 lost Body Points (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Energy

restores up to 4 lost Body Points (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Enhancement

increases any 1 henchman’s body by 4

Potion of Enlargement

automatically lengthens any 1 Swordsman’s       sword allowing him to attack up to 2 spaces away

Potion of Enmity

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll 6 skulls on 6 combat dice in a single attempt

Potion of Entrapment

Creates a magical cage around any 1 C Grade monster: he will no longer be able to move but my still attack and defend against adjacent figures

Potion of Epithelioma Contagiosa

infects any 1 bird/flock of birds that attacks you with epithelioma contagiosa causing him/her/them to attack with 1 less

Potion of Equability

changes any coins that you have to the same type, roll 1 movement die to discover what they have all become:

1 - Iron

2- Bronze

3 - Silver

4/5 - Gold

6 - Platinum

Potion of Equipment

gives you one piece of equipment (pick a card)

Potion of Eradication

automatically kills any 1 Elite Chaos Warrior

Potion of Escapology

you will be immune to the effects of the next Room of Escapology you enter (apart from the Fireburst Traps)

Potion of Essence

forces any monster attacking your soul to reroll an attack

Potion of Evacuation

automatically kills any 1 Wraith, or removes 1 spell from a monster

Potion of Evanescence

automatically kills any 1 Ghost

Potion of Evasion

you will be immune to the next Slight Twinge trap to hit you

Potion of Examination

allows any 1 Scout to search for treasure for 1 turn which he may keep or give to you

Potion of Excavation

allows you to dig a Pit Trap on any        unoccupied square

Potion of Exchangeability

allows you to exchange any 1 Swordsman or Crossbowman for a B Grade monster or any 1 Halberdier or Scout for a C Grade monster; both will be removed from the board

Potion of Execution

automatically kills any 1 Orc Shaman

Potion of Exemption

you will be immune to the next Slaughter Trap to hit you

Potion of Exodus

allows you to force through any 1 stone doorway that you know leads outside the dungeon

Potion of Exoriation

you will be immune to the next Exoriating Abdominal Emanation Trap to hit you

Potion of Expiration

automatically kills any 1 Chaos Sorcerer

Potion of Exploration

allows you to search any 1 room twice

Potion of Extraction

removes a femur from any 1 Fimir, reducing his/her Movement by 3

Potion of Fatality

automatically kills any 1 Ogre Chieftain

Potion of Fatigue

causes every monster in your line of site to lose three in Movement

Potion of Faux-pas

allows you and any number of Henchman to attack a monster in a single turn, even if he/she is the only monster on the board

Potion of Fearlessness

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll a 5 on a movement die in a single attempt         

Potion of Feasibility

allows the Wizard to use the Broadsword

Potion of Feeble-mindedness

reduces any 1 monster’s Mind by 4

Potion of Femininity

allows you to change any 1 male monster/henchman into a female

Potion of Fenugreek

allows you to grow a fenugreek, increasing your Mind by 1

Potion of Ferociousness

reduces any 1 monster’s Defence by 1

Potion of Ferocity

automatically kills any 1 monster if you can roll a double 2 on 2 movement dice

Potion of Fierceness

allows you to attack with 3 extra for 2 consecutive turns

Potion of Fire

if you have Ball Of Flame you may use it twice

Potion of Flagellation

allows you to attack twice per turn if you are attacking with a whip

Potion of Flame

allows you to create a magical Wall Of Flame across 2 squares (Defend 6, Body 1)

Potion of Fleetness

allows you to move 4 more squares than rolled for 1 turn

Potion of Flesh Incineration

removes all flesh from any 1 C Grade monster turning him/her into a Skeleton

Potion of Formula 1

increases your Mind and Body by 1 if you can tell me who is currently seventh in the Formula 1 world championship, or in last season’s, if the championship is not currently underway

Potion of Fortitude

increases your defence by 3 permanently

Potion of Fossilization

allows you to become part of any 1 adjacent blockage: this will last as long as you wish and you may step out at any time

Potion of Frenzy

allows you to attack 2 adjacent monsters in 1 turn

Potion of Frivolity

increases your Jape by 1

Potion of Frugality

allows you to buy any number of potions from a shopkeeper at a 50% discount once

Potion of Fungoid Spasmodic Liberation

you will be immune from the effects of Fungus permanently

Potion of Gallantness

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll a 6 on a movement die in a single attempt         

Potion of Gallantry

if you have Courage you may use it twice

Potion of Garotting

automatically kills any 1 Harpy

Potion of Generation

allows you to place a door on any wall of any 1 room that is not in use (ask Morcar); when you enter the contents will be randomly generated, roll 3 movement dice (the monster will appear adjacent to you, the piece of furniture, wherever you wish, and the final roll determines what is in the piece of furniture:

1st: 1 - Goblin                            2nd: 1 - Alchemist’s Bench

       2 - Samurai                                 2 - Sorcerer’s Table

       3 - Skeleton                                3 - Tomb

       4 - Blue Goblin                           4 - Weapon’s Rack

       5 - Zombie                                  5 - Fireplace

       6 - Ogre Warrior (3 BPs)             6 - Throne

3rd: 1 - 15 GC

       2 - Potion of Healing

       3 - 245 GC

       4 - Chain Mail

       5 - Potion of Generation

       6 - Borin’s Armour

Potion of Genius

increases your Mind to 10

Potion of Genocide

automatically kills all of a type of monster of your choice (not A Grade), even if they have not yet been discovered

Potion of Geology

allows you to extract some silver from any wall worth 40 gold coins

Potion of Gladiators

allows you to hire a Gladiator for free

Potion of Goodliness

reduces your Evil by 2

Potion of Goodness

removes up to 4 gained Evil Points

Potion of Gorgon

the next C Grade monster to attack will be turned to stone (after his/her attack); he/she will act as a blockage for the remainder of the quest unless destroyed; he/she will roll 8 defence dice and will have 3 Body Points

Potion of Gout

gives any monster gout reducing his/her movement by 1/4

Potion of Greater Bartering Ability

allows you to purchase any piece of equipment at a 7% discount

Potion of Greeness

increases your Soul by 1 if you can pot the blue off the spot from the D

Potion of Grotesqueness

alters your features so that you are so ugly that only undead monsters, or those with more than 6 Mind Points will be able to attack you (after using this potion you will be unable to use Potion of Homosexuality or Potion of Voluptuousness)

Potion of Guardsmanship

allows you to defend with 1 extra combat die for 4 consecutive turns

Potion of Hacking

automatically opens any locked furniture

Potion of Haemotology

automatically kills any 2 Orcs

Potion of Halfwittedness

halves any 1 monster’s Mind

Potion of Hammet

allows you to play The Lead Guitar (may also be used by Henchman and Knights)

Potion of Haphazardness

causes any 1 monster to move randomly for 1 turn; he/she will move as many turns as he/she is permitted, on each move he/she will have to roll a movement die, a 1 will move him/her North, a 2 East, a 3 South and a 4 West, he/she will not move on a roll of 5 or 6 or if obstructed

Potion of Haplessness

automatically kills any 4, or fewer Fimirs

Potion of Hardiness

you will be unaffected by the next body point lost from a Skeleton attacking you with a Coaxial Copper Cable

Potion of Haste

allows you to move 1 more square than rolled for 1 turn

Potion of Hasteful Dogmatism

as Potion of Dogmatism, but you may move the monster 1 extra space for 1 turn

Potion of Hasty Retreat

allows you to move up yo 20 spaces for 1 turn

Potion of Hate

allows you to move any 1 monster into the nearest unoccupied corner (to him/her), even if the route is blocked

Potion of Havoc

causes all the monsters in a room to attack each other for 1 turn

Potion of Healing Ability

allows you to change any 1 of your potions into a Potion of Healing

Potion of Health

increases your body by 4

Potion of Healthfulness

restores up to 6 lost Body Points

Potion of Healthiness

increases your Body by 3

Potion of Heaviness

reduces any 1 Ogre’s movement to 2

Potion of Help

allows you to 1 randomly chosen Henchman (pick a card) for free at any time

Potion of Heraldic Futility

allows you to attack with 1 extra cimbat die on your next turn if you can pot the black off its spot while angled: you may place the cue ball

Potion of Heroics

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll 1 skull on 1 combat dice in a single attempt      

Potion of Hetfield

allows you to play The Rhythm Guitar (may also be used by Henchman and Knights)

Potion of Hierarchy

causes all of the C Grade monsters in any 1 room to have to attack you in reverse order of power

Potion of Hilarity

increases your Jape by 8

Potion of Holiness

reduces your Evil by 3

Potion of Homicide

automatically kills any 1 Chaos Warrior

Potion of Homosexuality

allows you to woo any 1 male monster with less than 3 Mind Points into not attacking you for 1 turn

Potion of Horticulture

allows you to plant food in pots on any 1 table, in 5 movement turns (other than in the same room) time it will be fertile and you will be able to return to it to eat restoring up to 2 lost Body Points, however, it may also be used by monsters

Potion of Humour

increases your Jape by 6

Potion of Hurrisomeness

increases any 1 henchman’s movement by 1 permanently

Potion of Ice

allows you to create a magical Wall Of  Ice across 2 squares (Defend 6, Body 1)

Potion of Idiocy

reduces any 1 monster’s mind by 1/3

Potion of Idolotry

allows you to hire 1 Knight for free and remain with you without payment

Potion of Ignorance

allows you to pay a henchman 20 Iron Coins instead of 10 Gold Coins at the end of a quest

Potion of Imbalance

automatically amputates any 1 Fimir’s tail          causing him/her to overbalance and miss a turn if he/she rolls a 6 on a movement die at the start of his/her turn

Potion of Imbecility

reduces any 1 monster’s Mind by 3

Potion of Immolation

automatically kills any 1 Storm Master

Potion of Immunity

you will be immune to the next trap to hit you

Potion of Impugning

you will only lose 47 Body Points from the next Devastating Slashing Evil Murder Trap to hit you

Potion of Incognito

roll 1 movement die, the potion will have the corresponding effect:

1.  increase your Attack by 1 for your next        attack

2.  increase your Body by 1

3.  increase your Mind by 3

4.  increase your Body by 5

5.  increase your Attack by 1 permanently

6.  loose 5 Body Points

Potion of Incursion

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die for 7 consecutive turns

Potion of Indifference

no effect

Potion of Infinite Strength

increases your attack, defence and body by infinity permanently

Potion of Infinity

allows you to move any amount of squares for 1 turn

Potion of Injury

injures any 1 Blue Goblin such that any attack will kill him/her and reduces his/her movement to 6

Potion of Inquisition

rewards you with 1 extra Mind Point if you can answer  a question

Potion of Insanity

allows you to lay a Frayed Ends Of Sanity Trap on any unoccupied square

Potion of Insignificanot

gain 1 Gold Coin, 1 Jape Point and 1 Mind Point

Potion of Insolvency

you will be immune to the next Incarnated Solvent Abuse Trap to hit you

Potion of Inspiration

restores 1 lost Soul Point

Potion of Inquiry

allows you to roll 1 more than rolled if you can answer  a question

Potion of Insurance

allows you to pay 2 gold coins per turn to          insure any 1 piece of equipment, that piece of equipment will be returned to you if lost terminating the payments

Potion of Integrity

you will be unaffected by the next Body Point lost from a Goblin

Potion of Integument

if you have Rock Skin you may use it twice

Potion of Intelligence

increases any 1 henchman’s mind by 1

Potion of Intensification

increases any 1 henchman’s body by 3

Potion of Internecineness

automatically kills any 1 Chaos Marine

Potion of Interrogation

rewards you with 75 Gold Coins if you can answer  a question

Potion of Intimidation

decreases any 1 monsters attack by 1 for 1 turn

Potion of Investigation

removes an Evil Point if you can answer  a question

Potion of Invisibility

as Invisibility

Potion of Invulnerability

if you have Henchmen or Knights, you may not be harmed by monsters until all are dead

Potion of Invigoration

increases your body by 2

Potion of Irrelevance

increases the length of your hair by 1/5

Potion of Jack

gives you a bean which you may plant on any one square which it will occupy and will be impassable unless destroyed (it rolls 1 Defence die and has 1 Body Point), after 10 turns you may eat it restoring 5 lost Body Points 

Potion of Jactitation

allows you to convince any 1 henchman to be hired for 5 Gold Coins less than normal

Potion of Jai

automatically kills any 1 C Grade monster with any attack

Potion of Jape

increases your Jape by 4

Potion of Jauntiness

allows you to move 1 extra space and attack with 1 extra combat die for 1 turn

Potion of Jejune

automatically removes everything from the         top of any 1 table

Potion of Jellification

changes any 1 Ogre Warrior’s axe into jelly reducing his/her attack and defence by 2 each

Potion of Jollity

increases your Jape by 3

Potion of Joshing

increases your Jape by 5

Potion of Jubilation

allows you to kill two monsters who can be killed with the same number of Jape Points with only enough Jape Points to normally kill 1

Potion of Jugulation

automatically kills any 1 Invisble Gnat

Potion of Jujitsu

allows you to automatically acquire jujitsu increasing your attack by 2 provided you have no equipment

Potion of Juxtaposition

allows you to move any 1 C Grade monster so that he is standing on any unoccupied square adjacent to any other C Grade   monster

Potion of Juxtapositioning

allows you to move any 1 piece of furniture to any other unoccupied/ unobstructed square(s)

Potion of Kachinas

allows you to summon a kachina to attack any 1 monster standing on a grave with 2 combat dice for 1 turn

Potion of Karma

increases your body, mind and soul by 1 each

Potion of Katzenjammer

causes any 1 monster adjacent to you to become confused and unable to attack for 1 turn

Potion of Keratogenousness

causes a large horn to grow on your head increasing your defence by 1 against adjacent attackers

Potion of Keratosis

after attacking any 1 B Grade monster resulting in a loss of Body Points you may infect him/her with warts; he/she must roll a movement die, if it is a 6 he/she must lose 1 Body Point

Potion of Kibes

allows you to give any 1 monster a kibe reducing their movement by 1

Potion of Killing

automatically kills any 1 Manticore

Potion of Kleptomania

allows you to take 2 potions, objects etc. when only 1 would normally be permissible

Potion of Laceration

allows you to lay a Laceration Trap on any unoccupied square

Potion of Lactation

allows any 1 of your female henchwomen to lactate: if she is adjacent to you, you may feed on her for one turn, restoring 1 lost Body Point

Potion of Lawfulness

you will be imune to the next Outlaw Torn Trap to hit you

Potion of Lesser Bartering Ability

allows you to purchase any piece of equipment at a 2% discount

Potion of Lethiferousness

automatically kills any 1 Chaos Commander

Potion of Levitation

allows you to float over all non magical traps from now on

Potion of Life

allows you to return after you have been killed as if starting anew, on the square on which you died

Potion of Light

allows you to be able to see and move normally in a Room of Darkness

Potion of Lightness

if you have used all of your Spells of Lightness you may have them returned

Potion of Lightning

allows you to lay a Ride The Lightning Trap on any unoccupied square

Potion of Limbo

allows you to limbo under any 1 table

Potion of Lionheartedness

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat die if you can roll 2 skulls on 2 combat dice in a single attempt        

Potion of Living

you will be imune to the next Death Trap to hit you

Potion of Love

causes any 1 monster to fall in love with you and act as your henchman from now on (note: he will still defend with black shields)

Potion of Loyalty

allows you to pay a henchman only 8 Gold Coins instead of 10 Gold Coins at the end of a quest

Potion of Lubrication

places a Grease Trap on any square that you have previously occupied

Potion of Luck

the next monster that you attack will defend with 1/2 normal dice

Potion of Luckiness

roll 1 combat die:

Black shield: no effect

White shield: increase your Body by 1

Skull: remove 1 Body Point from any 1 monster in your line of sight

Potion of Lustiness

increases your Body by 6

Potion of Magical Ability

allows any 1 henchman to use 1 spell which you may choose from the spell card deck

Potion of Magical Adroitness

allows you to cast 3 spells instead of 1

Potion of Magical Capability

allows the Barbarian to cast spells

Potion of Magical Dexterity

allows any 1 Knight to cast spells (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Magical Pertinence

allows you to cast 4 spells instead of 1

Potion of Magical Proficiency

allows the Dwarf to cast spells

Potion of Maintenance

allows you to defend with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 3 on a movement die in a single attempt            

Potion of Malediction

allows you to curse any 1 Goblin, who will no longer be able to attack or defend

Potion of Malignant Endocarditis

gives any 1 C Grade monster a malignant endocarditis causing him/her to die of a heart attack in 5 turns time

Potion of Manoeuvrability

allows you to attack diagonally permanently

Potion of Marmalisation

automatically kills any 1 Wandering Monster

Potion of Martyrdom

allows any 1 character to kill him/herself resulting in any other characters completing the quest automatically

Potion of Marvel

from now on you will automatically go first in a Room of Marvelousness

Potion of Masculinity

allows you to change any 1 female monster/henchman into a male

Potion of Masochism

increases your Jape by 1 for the next body point you lose

Potion of Massacre

automatically kills all of the C Grade monsters in any 1 corridor

Potion of Materialism

increases your mind by 1 for every 5 pieces of equipment that you own

Potion of Meanness

allows you to upset any 1 C Grade monster such that he/she will go away (remove from board) if you also use a a Potion of Depression

Potion of Megalomania

allows you to control all characters/ monsters on the board for 1 turn

Potion of Mental Omnipotence

gives you infinite Mind Points for 1 turn

Potion of Mentality

causes any 1 henchman to be unable to lose a mind point from now on

Potion of Metabolism

you will be imune to the next Circulatory Trap to hit you

Potion of Metamorphosis

allows you to change any 1 Grimlock into an Owbear

Potion of Mettle

increases the Body of any one monster under your control by 1

Potion of Mettlesomeness

increases your Body by 3 (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Microminiaturization

microminiaturizes any 1 monster’s weapon reducing their attack and defence by 1 each

Potion of Might

increases your Defence by 1 permanently

Potion of Mightiness

increases your Defence by 1 permanently (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Mind

restores up to 4 lost Mind Points

Potion of Misogyny

automatically kills any 1 female C Grade monster

Potion of Mist

you will be immune to the effects of the Death Mist if you can roll a 4 on a movement die

Potion of Modification

use on any ogre, he must roll 1 movement          die and will now have as many body points as rolled           

Potion of Monarchy

you will be imune to the next King Nothing Trap to hit you

Potion of Morale

increases the Jape of all of your henchmen by 1

Potion of Motherhood

causes any 1 female monster to miss 5 turns while she gives birth

Potion of Movement

allows you to still roll 2 movement dice even if you are wearing the Plate Armour

Potion of Multiplication

increase the number of any potion(s) that you have by 1

Potion of Mummification

changes any 1 undead monster into a Mummy

Potion of Murder

automatically kills any 1 Ogre Warrior

Potion of Muscle

allows you to attack with 5 extra combat dice for 2 consecutive turns

Potion of Mutilation

automatically kills any 1 Goblin

Potion of Napalm Ejaculation

allows you to use 1 turn to ejaculate enough napalm to fuel a Flame Thrower for 4 turns

Potion of Naughtiness

allows you to attack with 3 extra for 1 turn if you can roll a 2 or a 4 on a movement die

Potion of Near Certainty

increases your attack by 1 for 1 turn if you can roll 1 skull on 80 combat die on a single attempt

Potion of Necrophilia

allows you to have sex with any one monster that you have just killed, taking 1 turn and increasing your Jape by 1

Potion of Necrotocism

you will be immune to the next Empatological Necrotocism Trap to hit you

Potion of Neurectomy

removes any 1 B/C Grade monsters nervous system, reducing their Movement, Defence and Attack to 0

Potion of Nihilism

causes all the C Grade monsters in a room to become equal (pick a monster card)

Potion of Nimbleness

allows you to move diagonally from now on (may also be used by henchmen)

Potion of Ninjitsu

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die whilst attacking with an oriental weapon

Potion of Nirvana

allows all of the adventurers/ henchmen in          a room to combine all of their Move, Attack, Defence, Body, Mind, etc. and channel them through you for 1 turn

Potion of Nobility

removes up to 3 gained Evil Points

Potion of No Name

allows you to choose any 1 potion, beginning with the letter H, that you wish

Potion of No Name II

causes any 2 adjacent C Grade monsters to attack each other

Potion of No Name III

allows you to pick 1 equipment card for every room you enter henceforth

Potion of No Name IV

allows you to choose any 1 square which may no longer be stepped on by monsters

Potion of No Name V

allows you to choose any 1 square which may no longer be stepped on by anyone

Potion of No Name VI

causes 2 Scouts to appear adjacent to you: when 1 dies another 2 will take his/her place, until there are no more Scouts

Potion of No Name VII

causes 2 Henchmen to appear adjacent to you: when 1 dies another 2 will take his/her place, until there are no more Henchmen

Potion of No Name VIII

allows you to attack any 1 monster twice for 2 consecutive turns

Potion of No Name IX

allows you to attack twice per turn

Potion of No Name X

removes 1 Body Point from every monster in your line of sight

Potion of No Name XI

attacks every monster in your line of sight with 4 combat dice

Potion of No Name XII

removes any 1 door from the board

Potion of No Name XIII

removes 1 spell from any 1 Monster or Adventurer

Potion of No Name XIV

halves the Mind of any 1 monster

Potion of No Name XV

automatically kills any 1 C, B or BB Grade monster

Potion of No Name XVI

removes any 1 Teleport Trap from the board

Potion of Normalness

removes the spells of any 1 Wizard

Potion of Nourishment

automatically doubles the number of Body Points restored by any 1 piece of food

Potion of Noyade

allows you to throw any 1 adjacent monster into any 1 water pit that is adjacent to both of you causing him/her to drown automatically

Potion of Nuisance

automatically kills any 2 Ogres

Potion of Nullification

reduces 1 of the statistics of any 1 Skeleton to 0

Potion of Obstruction

you will be immune to the next Violation Trap to hit you

Potion of Occising

automatically kills any 1 Goblin, Chaos Warrior, Orc Shamen or Ogre Warrior

Potion of Offence

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die for 4 consecutive turns

Potion of Onset

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die for 6 consecutive turns

Potion of Onslaught

you will be immune to the next Onslaught           trap to hit you

Potion of Open Mindedness

allows you to defend with 1 extra combat die against Ghosts permanently

Potion of Opening

automatically opens any 1 hidden trapdoor in any 1 room or corridor

Potion of Oppugnation

allows any 1 henchman to defend with one extra combat die for 2 consecutive turns

Potion of Organless Devastation

roll one movement die to see which organ is removed:

1.  Appendix - no effect

2.  Pancreas - he/she be unable to digest, and therfore, gain any benefit from every other piece of food eaten

3.  Stomach - he/she be unable to digest, and therfore, gain any benefit from any food eaten and miss 1 turn due to pain

4.  Lungs - he/she will be unable to breath and die in 3 turn’s time

5.  Heart - he/she will die in 1 turn’s time and only be able to attack and defend with 1/4 normal dice until then

6.  Brain - die

Potion of Owen

allows you to move 1 more square than rolled permanently

Potion of Oxygen

you will be imune to the next Oscillatory Trap to hit you

Potion of Pacification

calms any 1 Orc Beserker to regain normal behaviour

Potion of Paddy Fields

allows you to seed a magical paddy field in any 1 room, which, after 1 turn, will restore 1 lost Body Point and 1 lost Mind Point for everyone in the room that turn

Potion of Pain

removes a Body Point from anyone on the board if you can roll a black shield on 1 combat die

Potion of Passercide

allows you to automatically kill any pigeons that you come across

Potion of Pathetic Fallacy

the next time you lose a Body Point, a thunderstorm will appear in the room or corridor in which you are standing, extinguishing any fire, magical or otherwise, present

Potion of Perfection

your next attack will contain the maximum number of skulls

Potion of Performance

allows you to put on a concert for your and other characters parties; you, and the rest of the band, must first hold the four instruments: The Rhythm Guitar, The Lead Guitar, The Bass Guitar and the Drums; you, and the rest of the band, must also hold the relevant potions to allow you to play them; you must find a room containing a table - every member of the band, which can be made up of any Character, Henchman or Knight must climb onto the table to begin the concert which lasts for 1 turn; the morale every Character, Henchman or Knight in the room will then be increased such that they may attack twice in every turn for their next 4 attacks and 1 lost Mind Point will be restored each

Potion of Perishing

automatically kills any 1 Cymerion Ogre

Potion of Permissibility

allows a character other than the Wizard to use the Bracers

Potion of Photosynthesis

allows you to photosynthesise for 1 turn in which you are affected by a Circulatory Trap meaning that it will have no effect

Potion of Phthiozoics

automatically kills any birds that attack you as part of a trap

Potion of Pinkness

increases your Body by 2 if you can pot the pink off the spot from the D

Potion of Piscatoriality

automatically kills any 1 Ork

Potion of Pit Traps

allows you to lay a Pit Trap on any 1 unoccupied square

Potion of Placebo

forces any 1 monster to tell you which and how many monsters are in any 1 adjoining room

Potion of Plague

you will be immune to the next Plague Trap to hit you

Potion of Pleasantness

causes a rug to appear on the floor of any 1 4*4 room

Potion of Pointlessness

causes any 1 gargoyle to stay as a gargoyle,      unless he changes into another monster, until he is killed

Potion of Potency

increases any 1 henchman’s attack by 1 permanently

Potion of Power

increases your Attack by 1 permanently

Potion of Powerfulness

increases your Attack by 1 permanently (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Pragmatism

allows you to move any 1 C Grade monster for 1 turn

Potion of Preservation

allows you to defend with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 2 on a movement die in a single attempt            

Potion of Procurement

allows you to buy Borin’s Armour for 400 Gold Coins

Potion of Prognostication

if you have Future Sight you may use it twice

Potion of Prophylacticity

increases your Body by 5

Potion of Propogation

you will be immune to the next Inpropogation Trap to hit you

Potion of Protection

if you have used all of your Spells of Protection you may have them returned

Potion of Psyche

restores up to 2 lost Soul Points

Potion of Pugilism

increases your attack by 1 permanently as long as you do not carry any equipment

Potion of Pulverization

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll a 1 on a movement die in a single attempt         

Potion of Purchase

allows any 1 henchman to be able to buy any 1 piece of equipment

Potion of Purgation

restores your soul to 5

Potion of Purification

automatically kills any 2 undead monsters providing you hold the Silver Crucifix

Potion of Purulence

you will be immune to the next Ruptured In Purulence Trap to hit you

Potion of Quality

allows you to replace all of your henchmen with Crossbowmen and/or Swordsmen

Potion of Quantity

allows you to replace all of your henchmen with 1 1/2* the original number in Halberdiers and Scouts only

Potion of Query

rewards you with a Potion of Healing if you can answer  a question

Potion of Questioning

rewards you with 1 extra Body Point if you can answer  a question

Potion of Quickness

allows you to move 2 more squares than rolled for 1 turn

Potion of Quintessence

restores up to 5 lost Soul Points

Potion of Quizzing

rewards you with 125 Gold Coins if you can answer  a question

Potion of Racing

allows you to move with 3 combat dice permanently

Potion of Rage

roll 1 movement die; add that number to your attack for 1 turn

Potion of Rancour

you will become blind with rage, you may attack with 3 extra for 1 turn, but first you must roll 1 movement die, on the roll of 5 or 6 you fumble and miss your attack

Potion of Random Diseases

infects any 2 monsters with a disease, see Room of Disease for effects

Potion of Rapidity

allows you to move 3 more squares than rolled for 1 turn

Potion of Ravaging

automatically kills any 1 Haunter

Potion of Reconciliation

restores up to 5 lost Body Points

Potion of Redness

increases your Attack by 20 if you can pot all the reds (in their usual triangular formation) from the D

Potion of Reduction

reduces the Body Points of any 1 Goblin with 2 Body Points by 1

Potion of Reds

increases your Body by 4, your Mind by 3, your Soul by 1 and reduces your Evil by 1 if you can pot all 10 reds in sequence, without missing (their usual triangular postion) from the D

Potion of Regicide

automatically kills any 1 Ogre Lord

Potion of Reincarnation

when 1 henchman dies he may be automatically replaced with another randomly selected henchman from the henchmen card pile

Potion of Religion

if you have a prayer, you may use it thrice

Potion of Remedy

restores up to 2 lost Body Points

Potion of Remorselessness

increases your attack by 3 permanently

Potion of Remote Possibility

increases your attack by 1 if you can roll a 6 on a movement die followed by 8 skulls from 8 combat dice and then pick a Zombie from the monster card pack in a single attempt

Potion of Remote Viewing

reveals the contents of all the corridors on the board

Potion of Removal

allows you to remove any 1 Treasure Chest from the board

Potion of Removalation

allows you to remove any 1 piece of furniture from the board

Potion of Resistance

allows you to defend with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 4 on a movement die in a single attempt            

Potion of Resisting

immunizes you from the effects of The Ultimate Nullifier

Potion of Rest

restores 3 lost Body Points or 2 lost Mind Points or 4 lost Soul Points or removes 5 gained Evil Points

Potion of Restfulness

as Sleep except that the afflicted must roll an odd number

Potion of Restoration

restores up to 3 lost Body Points

Potion of Resurrection

restores any one Henchman or Knight who has been killed that turn to life; he/she will continue on the square on which he/she died as if starting anew

Potion of Retrieval

allows you to go to the square to which you threw a piece of equipment and retrieve it

Potion of Reversibility

allows you to reverse the direction of teleportation of any 1 Teleport Trap for 1 turn

Potion of Riches

allows you to pick 2 treasure cards when searching for treasure for 1 turn

Potion of Righteousness

removes up to 5 gained Evil Points

Potion of Risky Weakness

roll 1 movement die for the effect:

1.  you die

2.  no effect

3.  kills any 1 undead monster on the board, of your choice

4.  reduces any 1 A Grade monster’s movement by 10

5.  reduces any 1 BB Grade monster’s body by 4

6.  kills any 1 Orc

Potion of Robustness

increases your defence by 2 for 1 turn (may also be used by henchmen)

Potion of Rock

if you have Wall Of Stone you may use it           twice

Potion of Rushing

allows you to move one extra space for 1 turn

Potion of Ruthlessness

reduces any 1 C Grade monster’s Body by the amount rolled on  1 movement die

Potion of Sacrifice

allows you to sacrifice any 1 henchman, by forcing him to attack himself until dead; you will then by granted 1 extra Mind point, 2 extra Body Points, 1 extra Soul Point and 1 fewer Evil Points

Potion of Sadism

increases your Jape by 1 for the next monster you kill

Potion of Sadonymphomania

increases your Jape by 2 if you kill 3 monsters in your next 3 attacks

Potion of Sagacity

restores up to 6 lost Mind Points

Potion of Salubrity

increases any 1 henchman’s body by 1

Potion of Sanguinary

automatically kills any 1 Skeleton Lord

Potion of Sanguinolence

automatically kills any 1 Skeleton Archer

Potion of Sanitarium

use on any 1 room while you are in it any monsters must leave without attacking as soon as possible and no more monsters may enter until you leave the room and the effects wear off

Potion of Sanity

increases your mind by 1

Potion of Sapience

increases your mind by 1 for 1 turn

Potion of Savagery

allows you to attack with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 3 on a movement die in a single attempt

Potion of Schizophrenia

gives any 1 C Grade monster schizophrenia allowing him/her to be controlled by you and Morcar alternately

Potion of Scrutiny

rewards you with 1 extra Soul Point if you can answer  a question

Potion of Sebaceousness

doubles the fat of any 1 Ogre meaning that he/she will move half normal

Potion of Segmentation

allows you to attack with one extra combat die against monsters with a greater attack than defence and defend with one extra combat die against monsters with a greater defence than attack and defend for 5 consecutive turns

Potion of Self-preservation

allows you to defend with 1 extra combat die for 3 consecutive turns

Potion of Sepultura

allows you to remove any 1 Grave including its Ghost if it has one

Potion of Serenity

causes every figure in the room or corridor in which you are standing to be unable to attack for 1 turn

Potion of Sex

doubles the positive effects of any potions involving sexual gratification permanently

Potion of Sexuality

automatically changes the sex of any 1 monster/henchman

Potion of Sharpness

automatically sharpens any 1 Halderbier’s         halberd, increasing his attack by 1 permanently

Potion of Shelter

allows you to defend with 1 extra combat die if you can roll a 2 on a movement die in a single attempt

Potion of Shooting Hatred

allows you to attack and move with double normal against any 1 monster

Potion of Short-sightedness

any 1 monster attacking with a crossbow over a distance of 3 or more squares will have to attack with 1 less combat die than normal

Potion of Shrewdness

restores up to 3 lost Mind Points

Potion of Sikhism

increase your mind by 1 while you are wearing the Turban

Potion of Singularity

you will be imune to the next Binomial Trap to hit you

Potion of Skill

allows you to use the Battle Axe and the Shield simultaneously

Potion of Skillfulness

allows you to use the Tuck

Potion of Slaughter

automatically kills any 1 Ogre Champion

Potion of Slavery

allows you to force any 1 henchman to come with you and stay with you without paying him

Potion of Slaying

automatically kills any 1 Mummy

Potion of Slowness

reduces any 1 Ogres movement by 1/2

Potion of Snooker

allows you to complete the Quest automatically if you can beat me in a frame of snooker

Potion of Sobriety

you will be immune to the adverse effects of the next alcohol that you drink

Potion of Socialization

nullifies the effects of a Room of Ostracision

Potion of So-it’s-your-choice

allows you to choose 1 spell from the Detection, Protection, Fire and Air spells which you may keep

Potion of Solidarity

increases your attack by 1 permanently but means you are unable to use Pass Through Rock

Potion of Soul

restores up to 4 lost Soul Points

Potion of Soulfly

increases you Soul by 10

Potion of Space Crusade

allows you to change all the C, B, and BB monsters in 1 room into monsters from Space Crusade; roll 1 movement die:

1 - 1 Android

2 - 1 Chaos Commander

3 - 2 Genestealers

4 - 3 Gretchins and 2 Orks

5 - 1 Chaos Commander and 3 Chaos Marines

6 - 1 Dreadnought

Potion of Speediness

allows you to move 6 more squares than rolled for 1 turn

Potion of Spiflication

automatically kills any 1 Necromancer

Potion of Spirit

automatically changes any 1 undead monster into a living C Grade monster selected randomly from the monster card pack

Potion of Stability

forces any 1 C Grade shape changer to remain as the monster that he/she currently is until he/she dies

Potion of Stamina

increases you Body by 5 (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Steel

restores up to 6 lost Body Points (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Stipulation

allows you to exchange any piece(s) of equipment for other(s) of equal value once

Potion of Stone

allows you to create a magical Wall Of Stone across 2 squares (Defend 6, Body 1)

Potion of Stoppability

allows you to place any 1 trap on any 1 square

Potion of Strengthening

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice for 1 turn (may only be used by henchmen)

Potion of Stupidity

reduces any 1 monsters mind by 1

Potion of Sturdiness

restores up to 4 lost Body Points (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Substance

restores up to 3 lost Soul Points

Potion of Substitution

allows you to swap the places of any 2 C Grade monsters on the board

Potion of Suffocation

automatically kills any 1 Owbear

Potion of Suicidal Mania

causes any 1 C Grade monster to attack him/herself for 1 turn

Potion of Summoning

summons a Genie that will either attack any figure on the board with 3 or reveal the contents of any 1 corridor

Potion of Superdwarven Strength

increases your attack by 10 permanently (may only be used by Dwarf)

Potion of Superelven Strength

increases your attack by 10 permanently (may only be used by Elf)

Potion of Superheroicness

allows you to attack any 1 C Grade monster 100 times

Potion of Superhuman Strength

increases your attack by 10 permanently (may only be used by Humans)

Potion of Sustainability

allows you to attack 3 times in a single turn

Potion of Swiftness

allows you to move 5 more squares than rolled for 1 turn

Potion of Swimming Ability

allows you to swim across any water that is blocking your path

Potion of Swordsmanship

allows you to attack with 1 extra permanently providing you are attacking with a sword

Potion of Synergy

allows you to combine any 2 Swordsmen/Crossbowmen or three Scouts/Halberdiers to form a Knight which will appear on a square of your choice, adjacent to you

Potion of Synthesis

allows you to meld any 2 monsters, of the same type, together to form a single monster, of that type, who will appear half way between them: you may choose between the two middle squares if there is an even number between them

Potion of Taxidermy

allows you to stuff any 1 dead henchman; he will be left stationary on the square on which he was killed, if he is blocking the path of any monster(s) they must stop to dispatch him, he will be removed if any skulls are scored against him

Potion of Teleportation

automatically teleports you to the nearest end destination square of a Teleport Trap

Potion of Tempest

see Tempest

Potion of Temporary Trap Replacement

denies any 1 Trapster from activating any more traps

Potion of Tenacity

allows you to defend with 1 extra combat          die for 3 consecutive turns

Potion of Termination

automatically kills any 1 Skeleton

Potion of Testamentary

allows you to retrieve anything held by any 1 henchman after his death by going to the square on which he was killed

Potion of Thawing Ability

automatically melts any 1 Wall Of Ice

Potion of Thriftiness

allows you to buy any 1 piece of equipment with up to 10% Fool’s Gold

Potion of Throttling

automatically kills any 1 Gretchin

Potion of Thuggery

removes 2 Body Points from any monster in your line of sight if you can roll a white shield on 1 combat die

Potion of Tiredness

if you have Sleep you may use it twice

Potion of Tonicity

restores up to 5 lost Body Points (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Torque

allows you to pull any one adjacent C Grade monster into an adjacent (including diagonally) pit of darkness

Potion of Torture

allows you to put any 1 monster in the same room as you and a rack torturing him/her for 3 turns eventually killing him/her (you will be unable to do anything else while torturing the monster)

Potion of Toughness

restores up to 4 lost Body Points (may only       be used by henchmen)

Potion of Transference

allows you to move any 1 piece of furniture to any unoccupied square(s)

Potion of Transfiguration

allows you to change any 1 Mummy into a Fimir

Potion of Transformation

allows you to change any 1 Skeleton into a Goblin

Potion of Transmutation

allows you to change any 1 Ogre Chieftain into an Ogre Warrior

Potion of Transposition

transposes any 1 B/C Grade monster to any other square, in the same room or corridor, of your choice

Potion of Transubstantiation

allows you to change any 1 Storm Master into a Necromancer (his/her statistics will stay the same)

Potion of Treasure

allows you to pick 3 treasure cards when searching for treasure for 1 turn

Potion of Trepidation

use on any 1 Skaven, who will be too overcome with trepidation to attack or cast spells that turn

Potion of Triviality

increases your Jape by 2

Potion of Trucidation

automatically kills any 1 Grimlock

Potion of Tyrannicide

allows you to kill Morcar meaning that you will never need to venture into his dungeon again

Potion of Ubiety

automatically reveals the contents of a whole quest

Potion of Ug

confuses any adjacent figure to give you one of their potions, of your choice

Potion of Ulrich

allows you to play The Drums (may also be used by Henchman and Knights)

Potion of Unajanus

closes any 1 open door

Potion of Undauntedness

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll 4 skulls on 4 combat dice in a single attempt

Potion of Underestimation

the next time you enter a room containing monsters as part of a party, only 1 of the monsters present will attack on Morcar’s turn

Potion of Unheaviness

allows you to move normally whilst wearing the Plate Armour

Potion of Uniformity

changes all your henchmen into the same kind of henchman of your choice, providing you already have at least 1 of that kind already

Potion of Unintelligence

reduces any 1 monster’s Mind by 2

Potion of Unobstructedness

automatically opens any 1 Portcullis

Potion of Unravelment

causes any 1 Mummy to unravel and disappear

Potion of Unrestrictedness

automatically opens any 1 Stone Doorway

Potion of Uropygia

if a Vai Toma No Cu Trap and a Pigeon and/or Eagle Trap go off together against you, then the Vai Toma No Cu Trap will only affect the birds, killing them automatically

Potion of Usability

allows any 1 henchman to use any potions         or equipment permanently

Potion of Vaginitis

causes any 1 female monster to be infected with vaginitis causing her to lose 1 Body Point

Potion of Valour

allows you to attack with 2 extra combat dice if you can roll 3 skulls on 3 combat dice in a single attempt

Potion of Vanquishment

automatically kills any 1 monster with any          attack

Potion of Vehemence

increases your attack by 1 for 1 turn

Potion of Velo

allows you to sell any bicycle you come across for 280 Gold Coins

Potion of Velocity

allows you to move, attack and then move again for 1 turn

Potion of Vermin Extermination

automatically removes all  Skaven from any 1 room or corridor

Potion of Vexation

use on any 1 monster; if he/she later attacks without causing at least 1 Body Point of damage he/she will be too vexed to attack on his/her next turn

Potion of Violence

automatically kills any 1 Inquisitator

Potion of Vindication

allows you to defend with 1 extra combat die for 2 consecutive turns

Potion of Virginity

you will permanently be immune to the effects of Herpes

Potion of Virtue

removes up to 5 gained Evil Points

Potion of Vitality

restores up to 2 lost Body Points (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Vividity

allows you to see through any 1 wall in a straight line into only 1 adjoining room/corridor

Potion of Vivification

increases you Body by 6 (may only be used by Knights)

Potion of Voluptuousness

causes any 1 Chaos Warrior to become instantly attracted to you and leap to your defence when you are next attacked

Potion of Wacky Friendships

allows you to control any 1 undead monster permanently

Potion of Warmth

you will be immune to the effects of the next Room Of Ice that you enter

Potion of Wealth

allows you to pick  4 treasure cards when         searching for treasure for 1 turn

Potion of Wheels

allows you to climb inside a treasure chest for 3 consecutive turns; you may attack with 2 combat dice but may not be harmed; you may move as many squares as you wish and will lose a turn getting out

Potion of Wisdom

increases your mind by 1

Potion of Witchery

changes any piece of equipment into silver worth 50 gold coins

Potion of Wiz

allows you to attack with a movement dice (each number counting as that many skulls) instead of the same number of combat dice for 1 turn

Potion of Wizardry

allows you to cast as many spells as you wish in 1 turn (may only be used by Wizard)

Potion of Wrath

if you have Fire Of Wrath you may use it twice

Potion of Xajhzkq

allows you to acquire either the Infinity Gauntlet or 100 Gold Coins

Potion of Xenophobia

allows you to attack with 1 extra against any C Grade monster of your choice permanently

Potion of Xesturgy

allows you to polish the floor of any 1 room or corridor causing the next figure to step on it to slip over and have to stop (the effects last for 1 turn)

Potion of Xylophagousness

allows you to take a bite out of any 1 piece of wooden furniture restoring 1 lost Body Point

Potion of Xylotomousness

allows you to force open any 1 piece of wooden furniture that is locked

Potion of Yare

use on any 1 henchman; you will not have to roll a die at the end of a quest to see if he leaves you if he has been paid in Fool’s Gold

Potion of Yearning

if you buy a piece of equipment in your next 3 turns increase your mind by 1

Potion of Yellowness

increases your Mind by 1 if you can pot the yellow off the spot from the D

Potion of Yeomanry

allows you to hire up to 5 henchmen for free providing they receive an equal share of any gold that you have acquired at the end of that quest

Potion of Yew

allows you to plant a yew tree on any 1 square; it takes 2 turns to grow, whereupon it will act as a blockage; it defends with 8 combat dice and has 3 Body Points

Potion of Yubinkuyoku

allows you, a Henchman or Knight to post any 1 piece of equipment or potion into the wall to be received by any other member of your party (including other characters) on your next turn

Potion of Zap

allows you to attack with 69 extra combat dice for 1 turn

Potion of Zappiness

allows you to move 1 more squares than rolled for 1 turn (may only be used by henchmen)

Potion of Zealotry

use on any 1 henchman; he will stay with you until he dies without payment (apart from initial fee)

Potion of Zemo

no effect

Potion of Zenana

use on any 1 room; from now on it will only be allowed to contain females, any males already in the room must leave as soon as possible

Potion of Zephyr

if you have Swift Wind, you may use it twice

Potion of Zinc

you may automatically teleport to whichever other square you wish, in a Room of Geography, where the statistics are based on zinc production

Potion of Zizz

as Sleep except that the afflicted must roll a 4

Potion of Zombification

changes any 1 undead monster into a Zombie

Potion of Zoolala

works on any 1 non A Grade monster; roll 1 combat die:

Skull - monster loses 5 Body Points

White Shield - roll again

Black Shield - monster may attack thrice on his/her next turn

Potion of Zoophilia

causes any 1 mounted monster to stop to have sex with his/her steed causing him/her to miss 1 turn

Potion of Zymosis

allows you to pass on any disease acquired in that turn to any 1 adjacent figure immediately with no effect on you

Appendix (i)

Potion N

roll a movement die: this is the number of potions that you will receive, for each one roll another movement die, if it is an even number then that potion is a Potion x (see Potion x), an uneven number is a Potion y (see Potion y), repeat this process for each           of the potions you will receive

Potion X

roll 1 movement die, you will receive a different potion depending on the number that you have rolled:

1  Holy Water

2  Heroic Brew

3  Potion of Strength

4  Potion of Magical Aptitude

5  Potion of Speed

6  Potion of Healing

Potion XXX

you may choose any 3 potions that begin with the letter X (multiples of the same potion are not permitted)

Potion Y

roll 1 movement die, you will receive a different potion depending on the number that you have rolled:

1  Potion of Insurance

2  Potion of Edibility

3  Potion of Sexuality

4  Potion of Indifference

5  Potion of Barbarity

6  Potion of Haphazardness

Potion Z

Potion Z will act as any potion beginning with the letter z of your choice

Appendix (ii)

The following potions may be used by the Evil Wizard player at any time. He/she will be designated a predetermined quantity of each prior to the inauguration of the quest:

Potion of Attack

allows any 1 monster to attack with 2 extra for 1 turn

Potion of Blinding Sleet

see Blinding Sleet

Potion of Body

increases any 1 monster’s body by 2

Potion of Defence

allows any 1 monster to defend with 2 extra for 1 turn

Potion of Dispelling

allows the Evil Wizard to remove any 1 spell from any 1 character of his/her choice

Potion of Evil

allows any 1 green monster to attack your evil with 1 extra combat die for 1 turn

Potion of Flight

gives any 1 Gargoyle the power of flight, he/she will be able to fly over anything (except walls) as far as his/her movement will allow

Potion of Mental Prowess

increases any 1 Chaos Sorcerer’s mind by 1 for 1 turn

Potion of Multitude

doubles the number of any 1 type of C Grade monster in any 1 room (space permitting)

Potion of Powerfulness

allows any 1 A Grade monster to attack with 3 extra combat dice for 1 turn

Potion of Rust

see Rust

Potion of Total Corrosive Obliteration

Destroys any one piece of equipment, such that it will be unusable until all current adventurers are dead

Potion of Unholiness

allows any 1 undead monster to attack soul with 1 extra combat die for 1 turn


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