The Alchemist's Bench: Features
Ten Minutes with StrataVision 3D
Making a Tile, Page 4 of 5


Now our stonework has been textured with "concrete." I'm not too happy with the way this looks, but for this project it's the best of the textures that comes with StrataVision. In the future, I'll experiment with making my own texture.

Notice that a clear greenish haze has been added to the trench in the diagram. I've created a rectangular solid and put it in the trench about where water would be. Next, I applied an "antique green glass" texture to the solid. Of StrataVision's included textures, this comes the closest to nice green HeroQuest slime. This is something else that probably should be replaced with a homemade version.

Of course, this won't make for a very good game overlay as long as we're looking at it in 3/4 view. The final step was to render it as seen from directly above, as seen here.

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