HeroQuest : Return of the Witch Lord*
The adventure continues! Return of the Witch Lord is an
expansion set used with your original HeroQuest Game System. You
must have the Game System in order to play the adventures in this
8 Skeletons, 4 Mummies, 4 Zombies, cardboard tile sheet
Cardboard sheet includes:
1 Two-sided Iron Door
1 Two-sided Wooden Door
1 Throne Room Tile
4 Coffin Tiles
6 Blocked Square Tiles
2 Pit Trap Tiles
4 Secret Door Tiles
1 Revolving Room Tile
1 Death Mist Tile
All components should be carefully removed from the cardboard
sheet. New game components are described at right and below.
Simply Click on the image to bring up the scan of the acual game
piece - which SHOULD be the right size for printing - I think.
The only one not up is the image of the two new doors.
New Components:
Door Assembly Take 2 plastic door stands from the Game System. The 2 new doors in this Quest Pack should be folded and fitted into the door bases as shown at right. These doors are described below. Iron Entrance Door This iron door is placed on the edge of the gameboard in many of the Quests. Heroes line up outside the door to begin these Quests. Wooden Exit Door In many Quests, this special wooden door is used to exit the gameboard at the end of a Quest. |
[Note: The smaller illustrations shown with each component above
are Quest map symbol references. These symbols are what is needed
for the blank "create your own" Quest map provided in
the Game System Quest Book. When creating your own Quest
adventures, you may use these components in any way that you can
imagine. Soon I will hopefully get the mini pictures in the
CREATE YOUR OWN MAP zip. For now - just use the pencil or
something in paint/paintbrush.]
Playing Return of the Witch Lord
The Quests in Return of the Witch Lord are generally played the
same way as the Quests in the Game System. It is especially
important that these Quests be played in order. As in the Game
System, Heroes are returned to full strength (all Body and Mind
Points are restored) between Quests.
There are a few game play differences in Return of the Witch
1. Starting a Quest
The Heroes do not always start their adventures on the
spiral stairway tile used in the Game System. Often, they enter
through an iron door on the edge of the gameboard. This door is
shown on the Quest map with an arrow pointing inward toward the
gameboard. This door is placed on the gameboard in its specified
location before the Quest begins. At the start of an adventure,
the Heroes line up outside the door and ask Zargon to open it.
2. Ending a Quest
Players may only leave the gameboard by locating the
wooden exit door on the edge of the board, or by the finding the
spiral stairway that exists in some of the Quests. The exit door
is shown on the Quest map with an arrow pointing outward from the
Note: As with regular doors, an exit door will not be put on
the gameboard by Zargon until a Hero looks down the appropriate
corridor. An exit door is usually opened in the same way as a
regular door, unlessspecified otherwise in the Quest notes.
3. Treasures
To eliminate conflicts among the Heroes, large gold coin
treasures found in treasure chests should be divided among all
surviving Heroes.
4. New Artifact Cards
These new cards are found on the inside back cover of
this Quest Book. Cut out the cards from the cover or, if you
prefer, photocopy the inside cover and then cut them out.(they
will be on the page soon :)
The following 5 artifact cards are used just like the artifacts
in the Game System. When a Hero finds an artifact, he should
record it on his Character Sheet. Unlike most artifacts in the
Game System, however, some of these artifacts must be crossed off
the Hero's Character Sheet after they are used.
Magical Throwing Dagger: When thrown at a monster that a
Hero can see, this dagger always hits and inflicts 1 Body Point
of damage. The monster cannot defend. The dagger must be crossed
off the Hero's Character Sheet after it is used.
Dust of Disappearance: If a handful of this dust is
tossed on any Hero, that Hero may move past any monsters
encountered on his next turn. The dust must be crossed off the
Hero's Character Sheet after it is used.
Anti-poison Quill: This rare, hollow quill contains a
mysterious substance that counteracts any type of poison. This
antidote will restore Body Points lost by poisoning if used
immediately by the owner. The quill must be crossed off the
Hero's Character Sheet after it is used.
Rabbit Boots: These magical boots give their wearer a
greater chance to jump over 1 discovered trap per turn. A Hero
can successfully jump a trap by rolling anything but a black
shield on 1 combat die. (However, if a black shield is rolled,
the trap will be sprung, and the Hero will suffer the body damage
caused by that particular type of trap.)
Arm Band of Healing: The wearer of this magical arm band
can restore two of his lost Body Points once per Quest If the
wearer's Body Points are reduced to zero, this artifact can be
used immediately to restore 2 Body Points as long as it has not
already been used in that Quest.
The 5 remaining artifact cards on the inside back cover are spell
scrolls. These scrolls are used just like the spell cards in the
Game System. However, a spell scroll can be used by ANY Hero (not
just the Wizard and Elf) who finds one.
When a spell scroll is found, the Hero should record it on his
Character Sheet. Mter the scroll has been used, it must be
crossed off the Hero's Character Sheet.
Note: Heroes who have artifacts are allowed to give them to
other Heroes.
Well, there is everything you need to know - hope it is helpful - more to come, of course....
*This entire page's information is Copyrighted 1989, 1991 Milton Bradley Company. All rights reserved. I put it up because 1) it is not being sold by Milton Bradley & therefore I am not taking money away from them (besides - I did not put up the quests) 2) the pages even say you can photocopy the images & cut them out to use - so in a sense that is what I am doing. If the appearence of this page angers anyone from Milton Bradley, etc - simpley tell me (UncOwen01@hotmail.com) and it will be removed - though I do not feel I am breaking any rules.