hq title

HeroQuest (The Board Game)

Update:Fixing up the page

Important: I dont know how to make a real disclamer thing, but I just want to say that all of the HeroQuest & related materials are copyright of Milton Bradley - copyright 1989, 1990, maybe more. Um - the only thing that they didnt make is the mission ideas in the Submit your own map section - because , in the orignal Questbook they say "Design your own adventures" and "Photocopy the blank map above, and symbols shown below" so that is kinda what I did - hope I am not breaking any laws. Now any presentation of other stuff like chracter cards, Return of the Witch Lord stuff - That is up because, since the game was disscontinued, I though some of it should be made available. so I will put up some stuff that people who have HQ but not the expansion can use - since it is not sold anymore - they have no way to get it. OK - there we go - that is all I think I can say.

I have recieved letters - you are there, you care, and apprently you can see what I see. - Thanks.

The section is Made! Return of the Witch Lord is up & running. Please note the disclaimer - I only put it up because the game was disscontinued and its not like I am taking $ from Milton Bradley Because they dont sell it anymore - so thats just my thinking. Plus the pages I put up say that you can photocopy them anyway - so this is in a sense photocopying it.

When I first looked for the board game HeroQuest on the Internet, I only found stuff about the computer game Quest for Glory. It was then I realized there were NO sites about this great game. A possible reason could be the fact that it is no longer being made by Milton Bradley. So I have decided to create a page of the BOARD GAME HeroQuest!

HeroQuest Areas

white ball Return of the Witch Lord Expansion
white ball The Map Collection
white ball The Board
white ball The Heroes
white ball The Monsters

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