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(version 0.8)

Subject: 1. Disclaimer

HeroQuest is a trademark of Milton Bradley. Advanced HeroQuest is a trademark of Games Workshop. The use of these is not intended to challenge their respective copyrights. This document is not specifically approved by Milton Bradley or Games Workshop.

Subject: 3. New to this Version

08/18/98 Corrected name of Dragonfire by Heartbreaker Hobbies.
06/18/98 Updated Specific Rules Questions and added #12.
03/19/98 Updated TMP web site.
01/09/98 Added MB internet info.
11/07/97 Added AU link in question #11.
09/19/97 Reorganized and expanded question #11.
06/30/97 Added info on the designer of HQ (question #13).
01/14/97 Corrected name of Adventure Design Kit (was listed as Dungeon Design Kit).
10/02/96 HeroQuest article to appear in Fractal Spectrum (question #11)!
08/01/96 Update to Vindicator info (question #11).
05/31/96 Update to Vindicator info (question #11).
02/07/96 WWW site changed.
01/06/96 Added reference to Vindicator journal, question #11.
10/29/95 FTP site corrected.
09/18/95 FTP site changed, answered questions 24a and 24c, general clean up.
04/25/95 FTP and WWW sites have been established (see #10), added UK supplements.

Please note that many rule-specific questions are unanswered. If you have some answers you'd like to submit (or even more questions!), please forward them to me.

Subject: 4. Introduction

Welcome to HeroQuest: The FAQ! This Frequently Asked Questions document is intended to provide you, the reader, with information on the current status of HeroQuest, availability of components, etc., as well as provide some reasonable answers to questionable or conflicting rules. Please forward all questions, comments, and corrections for this FAQ to forhan{at}yahoo{dot}com.


General Questions

Can you tell me a little about HeroQuest (HQ)?
Sure. HeroQuest is an enjoyable fantasy boardgame, where each player is allowed to develop a recurring Hero over a series of adventures (Quests). The game play is simple yet entertaining for a typical one to two hour Quest. Players are generally encouraged to work together against one designated player who controls the antagonists in the Quest: monsters, traps, and puzzles of all sorts.

Is HQ still produced? How can I reach Milton Bradley?
HQ is no longer in production at Milton Bradley. I mailed them a letter in August 1994 inquiring about this, and also on the availabilty of the remaining HQ inventory. I received a more or less form letter reply saying, "Thanks for your interest, but HQ is no longer produced." They didn't mention whether or not they had additional items in stock.

Here's the US address for Milton Bradley that I used:

Milton Bradley Company
443 Shaker Road
East Longmeadow, MA  01028-5247
Phone: (413) 525-6411


       (MB's parent company)
What supplements ("Quest Packs") were made?

In addition, the following Quest Packs were released in the UK:

(Note: I personally own all the above, so, yes, every one of them does exist.)

What is Advanced HeroQuest?
Advanced HeroQuest is produced solely by Games Workshop. It is considerably different from its Milton Bradley counterpart. The rules are much more detailed, and make it a more complex "role-playing" game. AHQ is no longer in production as of this writing (April '95).

Do you have any suggestions for sprucing up the game (besides extra rules, etc.)?
Here are a few:
What public domain info is available for HQ enhancements, and where is it located?
There is a collection of files at the FTP site The directory is /pub/rpg/miniatures/HeroQuest. The file name is (The file is ZIPed for IBM PC's.) Any submissions you'd like to contribute go in the /pub/incoming/games directory.I would also appreciate it if you emailed me a copy of any new Quests, items, enhancements, etc.

Please contact Britt Klein at if you have trouble accessing/uncompressing this file. Thanks for the help, Britt!

Also, a WWW site has been established for HQ. Most of the FTP material mentioned above is available now on the Web. The link you need is:

Thanks to Bill Armintrout for volunteering to assemble this site!

What other sources of HQ supplements are available?
Most recent addition: AU web page

Publication Article
Adventures Unlimited #5 "The Inn of Chaos"
Fractal Spectrum #13 "HeroQuest: A Notch Above"
Fractal Spectrum #17 "HeroQuest Hall of Foes III"
Vindicator #2 "Review: Quest Pack for the Elf"
"HeroQuest Hall of Foes I"
Vindicator #3 "Review: Barbarian Quest Pack"
"HeroQuest Hall of Foes II"
Vindicator #4 "HeroQuest Variants"
Vindicator #5a "The Rogue"
White Dwarf #134 "The Halls of Durrag-Dol"
White Dwarf #145 "The Eyes of Chaos"

Contact information:

Adventures Unlimited
Fractal Spectrum
Vindicator Online
White Dwarf White Dwarf @ Games Workshop

What other games have components such as figures or boards that might be compatible with HQ?
Title Publisher
Advanced HeroQuest Games Workshop
Warhammer Quest Games Workshop
Dragonfire Heartbreaker Hobbies
Dark World Mattel
BattleMasters Milton Bradley
Lionheart Parker Brothers
DragonStrike TSR

Note that many of these games are currently out of print.

Who designed HQ?
HQ was originally designed by Steve Baker, who worked for MB UK at the time. He was also responsible for the design of MB's Space Crusade.

Specific Rule Questions

HeroQuest game system

How does one handle multiple (and possibly conflicting) spells cast on the same character? For instance Zargon casts Fear (1 attack die) on the Elf who has Courage (+2 attack dice). Does the Elf have 3 attacks (Fear + Courage = fearfully courageous?) or just 1 (Fear)?

The spell effects should be applied in the order they occur. So in the above example, the Elf would have three attack dice because of the most recent spell cast on him, Courage. If the Courage is broken on a subsequent turn, then Fear will be back in effect (1 die). The other case in this same example is that the Fear is broken first, in which case the attack dice would be the normal amount for that Hero plus 2 for Courage.

In the basic rules, it pretty clearly states that diagonal movement is not allowed. However, under the section that describes how to jump a pit a diagram shows that a jump to a diagonal square is allowed. (See diagram.) What's the deal here?
        |   |\ /|
        |   | X | <-- Pit
            |   |
            |   |
I think the intention of the rules here is to allow Heroes a means to get around a "corner" pit, and is not truly diagonal movement. If this movement were disallowed, then it would be impossible to get around the pit (unless you just fell in intentionally, I guess). So you have two choices:

  1. Allow the jump as the rules indicate. Remember that 2 movement spaces must still be spent, just as if the Hero was walking around a normal corner with no pit. This solution is IMHO consistent with the intent of the rules.
  2. Allow diagonal movement, which allows a Hero to step directly to the diagonal square, with no need to jump the pit at all.

Kellar's Keep

Return of the Witch Lord

Quest Pack for the Elf

Do the Rabbit Boots behave differently when dealing with long pits? If they fail a normal pit jump on a black shield, should they then not fail a long pit jump on a white shield, or even a skull?

No, Rabbit Boots behave the same regardless of the size of the pit.

Does the Potion of Dexterity really guarantee a long pit jump?


Barbarian Quest Pack

Can Yeti roll defend dice while hugging? (They can't make other attacks while hugging, but can they defend?)

Every Hero or Monster should get to roll defend dice, regardless of the circumstances. However, one could develop a house rule whereby the defend dice of a Yeti is reduced while hugging by one or two dice. This is strictly optional, of course.

If an Ice Gremlin moves first, then steals something, does he still get to run?

One could argue stealing is an action, and as such terminates the movement phase. An alternative would be to allow the Gremlin to use his remaining movement points in the escape, if not the full 10.

If a lone Hero encounters a Yeti which successfully "hugs" him, is the Hero automatically dead? It would seem so; the rules didn't seem to allow for a hero to free himself from the Yeti's grip.

A couple of alternatives here:

  1. As the rules indicate, a "hugged" Hero may not defend nor take any actions. This is probably intended to allow a deadly Monster in the game which will cause the egomaniacs in the group to think twice before wildly attacking. :)
  2. Allow the Hero roll his or her normal attack dice at the start of each turn. If less than two skulls are rolled, the Hero remains in the hug. If two or more skulls are rolled, no damage is inflicted on the Yeti, but the hug is broken, and the Hero may move away if desired (the Hero's action is lost for the turn, however).

Last Updates
02 June 1999 updated TMP links
18 June 1998 updated FAQ to version 0.8
19 March 1998 updated FAQ to version 0.7
15 August 1997 updated FAQ to version 0.6
3 December 1996 FTP archive moved
18 November 1996 updated FAQ to version 0.5
5 July 1996 updated downloading info
21 June 1996 reorganized
24 April 1996 reformatted
Written by Carl Forhan
This article is copyright 1995-8 by Carl Forhan, and may not be reproduced in any form without permission by the author, except for personal use or redistribution through normal Usenet channels and if no fee is charged for such use.
Comments or corrections?